INCOMING! VAN HELSING opens in theatres on May 7th. The action-oriented horror film is directed by Steven Sommers, the same man responsible for The Mummy (good), The Mummy Returns (awful), and The Scorpian King (never saw it). Hugh Jackman plays the titular role of the monster hunter who faces off with Count Dracula... but not without the help of some heavily Steampunkish contraptions! PRINCESS OF MARS has been delayed due to some flaps with the Studio over would-be director Robert Rodriguez's exit from the Director's Guild of America. It is the policy of that particular studio to only work with DGA-members. STEVEN SPIELBERG to direct and Tom Cruise to star in the upcoming remake of WAR OF THE WORLDS! Or will they? Rumor has it that the project has been once again shelved while other projects are undertaken by both actors. It is not entirely clear if the film will be a modernized version of the H.G.Wells definitive alien invasion tale or not. SKY CAPTAIN and the World of Tomorrow tells the tale of 1930's New York, and what happens when giant robots invade! This pulp extraordinaire stars Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie. It is due for a September 2004 release. Originally it would come out in June, but fears the heavy competition. Also, the massive visual effects need more fine tuning. THIEF: Deadly Shadows will mark the third game in the Thief series, early innovators in the world of stealth gaming. Thief II: Age of Metal, featured various steampunk elements. In the vein of Tenchu and Splinter Cell, this third iteration of the series will take place in third person. (Eidos) |